Who is Frosty?
The first Frosty was revealed in 1949. Frosty is a prominent business person or public figure, who dons the white snowman’s suit and takes part in the Festival events as a mystery snowman with his identity being revealed during the coronation. Such notables as US Representative Ben Feifel, and Governors Joe Foss and Nils Boe have been Frosty. Frosty is escorted to all events by uniformed Snow Guards. The Snow Guards are the only ones who know the identity of Frosty. The guards are appointed for a three year term and each has been a past president of the Aberdeen Jaycee organization, The Snow Queen Festival, past Festival General Chairperson or Ambassador. The Guards select Frosty each year with specific criteria including: contributions to the Festival, community and state of South Dakota. In the mid-1960s, GASM, Guards and Snow Men, was organized for former Snow Guards, Frostys and event organizers. After each Festival, the Festival Ambassador and Frosty become new members of GASM. The group meets yearly to renew old friendships, relive memories, and participate in Festival events.

Photo Courtesy of Dacotah Prairie Museum Photo Archives
1958 Snow Queen Janice Leisen, Aberdeen
with Gov. Joe Foss as Frosty
2023 Guards
Front row left to right:
Captain of the Guards Jessica Hansen and Heather Fischer with Frosty
Back row left to right:
Dawn Bremer, Don Bremer, Elizabeth Flannery, and Dave Fischer
In order to determine who is the mystery Frosty each year, clues are given to the public to see if they can guess who he (or she) is before the unveiling at Snow Queen Coronation.
Can you guess
this year's Frosty?
Like and Follow The Frosty Fan Club page on Facebook to make sure you don't miss any of the clues. Clues will be posted on Facebook first before being added to this page.
1. I was born in Aberdeen
2. I’m Married
3. I have 2 siblings
4. I enjoy sports
5. I like to travel
6. I listen to country music
7. I have a dog
8. I have 20/20 vision
9. I am a fantasy football champion
10. I love riding on two wheels
11. I’ve been around Frosty my entire life
12. I cheer for the Gophers
13. I hate onions
14. I do my own yard work
15. I wanted to be a firefighter as a kid
16. I love my family
17. I love live sporting events
18. I hate heights
19. I played 3 sports in High School
20. My block likes to party
21. I have been to New York
22. I love spending time on the deck
23. I have a Goddaughter
24. I enjoy watching movies
25. I wear a size 13 shoe
26. I’ve driven a tractor
27. I was there for dialup internet
28. My daughter loves, how the Grinch Stole Christmas
29. I broke my arm in 2nd grade
30. I was a garbage man
31. I was a Cavalier
32. I have a Godson
33. I started driving when I was 9
34. I have a Bachelor’s Degree
35. I have seen Frozen too many times
36. I was in the Prince and Princess Banquet growing up
37. I am right-handed
38. I have been in the Church Choir
39. I cheer for the Twins
40. I like helping others
41. I was a Wolf
42. I have been on the radio
43. I have a firepit
44. I enjoy live music
45. Both my grandparents are farmers
46. I lived in Richardson Hall
47. I don’t mind the cold
48. Orange is my favorite color
49. Alabama is my favorite band

50. I like ice cream
51. I cheer for the Jayhawks
52. I have won a number of golf tournaments
53. I have been to 3 Broadway Musicals
54. I have a Master’s Degree
55. I was an original Hot Shot
56. My dog once ran away
57. I was once a left wing
58. I like the Chief
59. I have at least 18 Cousins
60. Fall is my favorite season
61. I was an All-Area Football Player
62. Game Day is my favorite
63. I have been on national prime time TV
64. I’ve been to Washington D.C.
65. I was a Coyote
66. I stayed in Jerde Hall
67. BCF is my favorite week
68. I hate snakes
69. I’ve had the same job twice
70. I have attended the ACMAs
71. I have traveled internationally
72. I have 8 nieces and nephews
73. I was a captain
74. I drove 6 hours for my first date with my now wife
75. I judge SD State FBLA
76. I like hot WINGS
77. Rudy is my favorite
78. I enjoy spending time with the ones “doing life with me”
79. The Mighty Ducks was my favorite childhood movie
80. I grew up watching Adam Banks and Awesome Wasem
81. I cheer for the Irish
82. I have two kids
83. I was in the SD All Star Games
84. I was a Cougar
85. I drive a black automobile
86. I was in a fraternity
87. I made a half-court shot at a varsity basketball game
88. You often see me in Bauer
89. My first car was a Plymouth Volare
90. Work can be cold
91. My in-laws like to FISCH
92. I am an Ambassador for Aberdeen
93.I am a Shriner
94. Jazz Appreciation was my most memorable class
95. I serve on the CVB Board
96. I have a championship ring
97. I’ve had the same employer for 14 seasons
98. I once dressed as a mascot at an athletic game
99. I once made a top 4 list
100. I usually Wing it